Friday 27 July 2007


Pure vegetable oil (or Reines Pflanzenöl, as they call it in German) is totally legal and tax free in Austria.
The Mineral Oil Tax Law (BGBl. I No 180/2004) was amended by the Tax Amendment Law of 30 December 2004, making Pure biofuels completely exempt from mineral oil tax.

More information can be found (in English) in this report:

Using waste vegetable oil is also legal, but collecting it is not. It is legal to drive into Austria with a tank full of WVO and filling up with SVO in Austria, but you must not collect WVO while you are in the country.

This law on waste oils is covered by section 16 of the 2002 Abfallwirtschaftsgesetz (refuse economy law) and it carries hefty fines. If you understand german, you can read the full law here:
The most important section for WVO is this:
(6) Altspeisefette und -öle sind getrennt zu sammeln und einemberechtigten Abfallsammler oder -behandler zu übergeben.Altspeisefette und -öle sind einer Verwertung zuzuführen, soferndies ökologisch zweckmäßig und technisch möglich ist und dies nichtmit unverhältnismäßigen Kosten verbunden ist.

Thank you to soizbuag on for sending me this information.

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